Robert K. Beshara, PhD

Associate Professor, Psychology | Arts & Human Sciences

Phone: 505-747-2104


Office: Administration

Robert K. Beshara is the author of Decolonial Psychoanalysis: Towards Critical Islamophobia Studies (Routledge, 2019), Freud and Said: Contrapuantal Psychoanalysis as Liberation Praxis (Palgrave, 2021), A Psychoanalytic Biography of Ye: The Legacy of Unconditional Love (Cambridge Scholars, 2023), and Transmodern Cinema and Decolonial Film Theory: A Study of Youssef Chahine's al-Masir (Bloomsbury, 2024).
He is also the editor of A  Critical Introduction to Psychology (Nova, 2019) and Critical Psychology Praxis: Psychosocial Non-Alignment to Modernity/Coloniality (Routledge, 2021). Further, he is the translator of Mourad Wahba’s (1995) Fundamentalism and Secularization (Bloomsbury, 2022). He is the founder of the Critical Psychology website: